Toronto PSWs Risk Speaking out About Low Patient Care and Staffing, Exploitation at University Health Network’s (UHN) Hillcrest Hospital: CUPE

TORONTO — Although Ontario is struggling with resident care quality, pandemic infection control and keeping residents alive in private long-term care and retirement homes the PC government is furtively moving hospital patients – some of them still acutely ill – to makeshift sites. These include private retirement homes, hotels, and shuttered hospitals like Toronto’s University Health Network (UHN) – Hillcrest site, where patient care and staffing levels are subpar.

After dealing with severe understaffing and grueling workloads during the COVID-19 crisis in the last year, several UHN – Hillcrest personal support workers (PSWs) are bravely speaking out about patient care, low staffing levels, high workloads, and the workplace exploitation (including few paid sick days) they’ve endured under this UHN ‘contracted-out’ hospital care choice. The UHN – Hillcrest Reactivation Centre is a 75-bed hospital site with about 100 contracted out front-line staff.

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